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Men’s trio successful in prize draw

Preisschnapsen Hauptgewinner Kern, Prasser, Wurzer
Over 7,000 euros in prize money were won at Casino Velden.

Schnapsen is usually associated with social gatherings in the pub, but as past “Preisschnapsturniere” (“schnapsen” prize tournaments) have shown, this popular card game is also a good match for casinos. On Sunday, November 20, another exciting competition took place in the Casineum in Velden.
The tournament started at 2 pm sharp, and from that point everything at Casino Velden revolved around aces, tens, kings, queens and jacks. In total, 112 visitors participated.
After many exciting games, the prize money of the three first place winners totalling 3,900 euros was presented to the lucky winners. All three of them are enthusiastic, long-time “Preisschnapsen” participants and met up to toast their victory afterwards. The next opportunity to take part in the Preisschnapsen will be on Sunday, February 26, 2023.

Karin Obkircher

Marketing Expert

Casino Velden
Am Corso 17
9220, Velden