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Sustainable and fair procurement

As leading Austrian companies, Casinos Austria and the Austrian Lotteries are committed to supporting the Austrian economy and buying from local businesses.

Sustainable business management means keeping an eye on the entire supply chain. Procurement can make a significant contribution in this regard. Our procurement activity is screened in three dimensions of sustainability:

  • Which materials are used and which of them can be replaced with more environmentally friendly alternatives?
  • Who are our suppliers, and what are the working conditions like in our supplier companies?
  • Long-term partnerships are important to us – how can we encourage this even more?
Code of Conduct for Suppliers

Inclusion of CSR criteria in supplier screening

In order to make procurement sustainable, CSR guidelines were jointly defined and introduced for procurement.

The CSR catalogue is intended to help buyers in their decision-making processes, both with regard to the selection of suppliers and materials. In order to disclose our requirements to suppliers as well, they have been summarised in our Supplier Code of Conduct. We also require our suppliers to commit to the principles of the UN Global Compact and sustainable development and to actively support their implementation within the scope of their influence.

Procurement Portal

We rely on competitive partners who are committed to our values and guidelines of conduct.

All service providers and suppliers who wish to contact the central procurement department of our group of companies can find information concerning our procurement spectrum and the general requirements at

In line with our corporate responsibility and our Code of Conduct, our suppliers also undertake to comply with our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Procurement Portal