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Responsible Sponsoring

Bregenzer Festspiele - Der Freischütz - Seebühne


At Casinos Austria, we also demonstrate our responsibility to society in our sponsoring activities. Sponsoring forms a key part of our corporate culture, with variety and sustainability an absolute priority. In this regard, we see ourselves as a reliable sponsoring partner. At the same time seek to establish new partnerships which offer strong and positive benefits to society.

The focus of Casinos Austria’s sponsoring activities extends from arts, culture and tourism to social projects and sporting activities. From major theaters, museums and opera festivals to integration football world championships or dance workshops. People with and without disabilities come together – our sponsoring activities are both diverse and long-lasting. And in addition to the actual partnerships themselves, they all have something else in common with Casinos Austria – the all-round experience as a central element of entertainment.

Our Commitment to Austria
Nik Wukitsevits Senior Specialist Sponsoring bei Casinos Austria

Nik Wukitsevits

Unser Einsatz für Österreich

Casinos Austria AG
Rennweg 44
1038, Wien

Peter Prostrednik Leitung Sponsoring bei Casinos Austria

Peter Prostrednik

Sponsoring & Casino on Tour

Casinos Austria AG
Rennweg 44
1038, Wien