It’s anything but easy to maintain a permanent place as a music theatre in Vienna, the city of music and theatre. The Volksoper has been doing this for well over 100 years. Steeped in tradition and led by Lotte de Beer, the theatre on the Währinger Gürtel also sees its role as one of building bridges – between generations as well as between tradition and renewal.
Casinos Austria has been a sponsoring partner of the Volksoper since the beginning of the current season. While the partnership initially focused on the Volksoper’s outreach activities, the focus will shift in the coming season: as of the 2024/25 season, all visitors with a seat in the 13th row will receive a free programme booklet and a voucher for a soft drink at the interval buffet on the 13th of every month. The popular “13th row” campaign, already familiar from the Burgtheater, Akademietheater, Ronacher and Raimundtheater, will now also find a home in the Volksoper – clearly recognisable at the relevant performances thanks to the elegant Casinos Austria chair covers that cover the seats.
From the 2024/25 season, the number 13 will also play a role for Glücks Card holders at the Volksoper. As of the 2024/25 season, Casinos Austria’s bonus programme also includes a 13% discount on two Volksoper tickets per performance (excluding premieres, third-party and special events and New Year’s Eve performances).
Casinos Austria’s understanding of social responsibility is comprehensive and includes support for culture and the arts in Austria as well as social commitment in all its diversity. In 2023, the “Our Commitment to Austria” project was launched, in which all twelve casinos each support three locally active social organisations with funding and personnel.
The partnership between the Volksoper and Casinos Austria also reflects an important humanitarian cause that was launched last year: the “Happy Moments” initiative, which provides cancer patients with ticket quotas for cultural events – including performances at the Volksoper from the 2024/25 season onwards. Krebshilfe will offer tickets to patients already receiving care.
The partnership between Casinos Austria and the Volksoper is all about enabling as many people as possible to participate in cultural events.